عناوین مقالات به شرح زیر می باشند:
1-Time-Domain Analysis of Steady Ship-Wave Problem Using Higher-Order BEM
2- Simulation of Liquid Impacts With a Two-Phase Parallel SPH Model
3-Effects of Rupture Processes in an Inverse Analysis of the Tsunami Source of the
2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
4-Ships Breaking Through Sea Ice Ridges
5-Hydroelastic Analysis and Statistical Assessment of Flexible Offshore Platforms
6- Performance Evaluation of the Floating Pendulum Wave Energy Converter in
Regular and Irregular Waves
7-A Bobsleigh Ice Friction Model
8-External Corrosion of Carbon Steel Pipeline Weld Zones
9-Development of Triaxial Compression Test Method for Sandy Soil Containing
Supercritical CO2
10- Radiation-Problem Solutions Using a Time-Domain Iterative HOBEM
11-Parallel Finite Element Method for 3D Lid-driven Cubic Cavity Flows
12-Violent Free Surface Flow Simulations by a Coupled Level-Set and Volume-of-Fluid
Method in Overset Grid Systems
13-Dynamic Coupling Between Ship Motion and Three-Layer-Liquid Separator
by Using Moving Particle Simulation
14-Characteristics of Acoustic Channel with Time-evolving Regular Surface
15-Normalized Correlation Model for Horizontal Consolidation Analysis Using Piezocone
Dissipation Test Results
16-Development of an Experimental Methodology for a Self-Propulsion Test with a
Marine Diesel Engine Simulator and a Controllable Pitch Propeller
17-A Numerical Study of Hydrogen Diffusion in a Part-size Sleeve-on-Pipe
Mock-up Exposed to Two Different Levels of Post Weld Heat Treatment
18-Comparative Study of a Boltzmann-based Finite Volume and a Lattice
Boltzmann Model for Shallow Water Flows in Complex Domains
19-Variation of the Drag Coefficient Investigated by Using Tower-based Long Period
Measurements—Condition of High Wind Speed with Following and Cross Swell
20- Numerical Simulation of Impact Loads Caused by Sloshing in a Rectangular Tank
Using Eulerian and Lagrangian Approaches
21-CFD Modeling of Propeller Tip Vortex over Large Distances
22-Numerical Simulation Of a Dynamically Controlled Ship in Level Ice
23-Ice Forces on Jack-up Legs due to Ice Crushing
24-Flaw Tolerance of Pipelines Containing Circumferential Flaws Subjected to Axial
Straining and Internal Pressure—Tests and Analyses
25-Investigation of Thermal Cycle and Metallurgical Characteristics of
Hyperbaric Gas Metal Arc Welding
26-In-situ Soil Testing in the Central Indian Ocean Basin at 5462-m Water Depth
27-Depressurization and Electrical Heating of Hydrate Sediment for Gas Production
28-Probabilistic Assessment of Cyclic Behavior of Laterally Loaded Piles in Sand
29-Improvement of Marine Sediment by Combined Electrokinetic and
Chemical Treatment