این مجموعه شامل 20 مقاله با عناوین زیر می باشد:
1-Flotation, Filtration, and Adsorption: Pilot Trials for Oilfield Produced-Water Treatment
2-A Complete Petrophysical-Evaluation Method for Tight Formations From Drill Cuttings Only in the Absence of Well Logs
3-A New Foam Model in Pipes for Drilling and Fracturing Applications
4- Estimation of the Formation Rate Constant of Methane Hydrate in Porous Media
5- An Estimate of the Near-Term Electricity-Generation Potential of Coproduced Water From Active Oil and Gas Wells
6- Consideration of Voidage-Replacement Ratio in Well-Placement Optimization
7- Toward Drilling Automation: On the Necessity of Using Sensors That Relate to Physical Models
8- Full-Scale Testing Shows Advantages of a Quantitative Approach to Interpreting Inflow Tests
9- Cost-Effective Ultralarge-Diameter Polycrystalline-Diamond-Compact-Bit Drilling in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
10- Real-Time Evaluation of Hole-Cleaning Conditions With a Transient Cuttings-Transport Model
11- Dynamic Model for Stiff-String Torque and Drag
12- Comparison of Reduced and Conventional Two-Phase Flash Calculations
13- Multiparadigm Parallel Acceleration for Reservoir Simulation
14- Fast Simulation of Polymer Injection in Heavy-Oil Reservoirs on the Basis of Topological Sorting and Sequential Splitting
15- A Semi-Implicit Approach for Integrated Reservoir and Surface-Network Simulation
16- Generalized Field-Development Optimization With Derivative-Free Procedures
17- Unconstrained Voronoi Grids for Densely Spaced Complex Wells in Full-Field Reservoir Simulation
18- The Multiscale Finite-Volume Method on Stratigraphic Grids
19- Prediction of Stimulated Reservoir Volume and Optimization of Fracturing in Tight Gas and Shale With a Fully Elasto-Plastic Coupled Geomechanical Model
20- Evolution of Drilling and Completions in the Slave Point To Optimize Economics
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